About Us
Pinguan Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd
PinGuan was founded in 2007 and is committed to building a trustworthy cosmetics industry resource platform. Its business covers three major sectors: financial media, digital exhibitions, and investment services. It operates projects such as the "Cosmetics Observation" WeChat public account, the China Cosmetics Conference, the China Cosmetics Annual Conference, and the CiE Beauty Innovation Exhibition, aiming to connect high-quality resources and create a beautiful brand.
Main projects
China Cosmetics Conference
China Cosmetics Conference is a high-level, authoritative and influential international high-end conference in China's cosmetics industry. It is the main stage for leaders of listed companies and leading enterprises in the industry to speak, and the wind vane for the development of China's cosmetics industry. It is held every summer in Shanghai, with over 5,000 participants.
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China Cosmetics Annual Conference
The China Cosmetics Annual Conference is held annually in Guangzhou to take stock of the current state of the industry and discuss industry trends for the coming year. Each annual conference invites top entrepreneurs, industry experts and investors from inside and outside the industry to share their annual observations and reflections.
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CiE Beauty Tour
Open to the door of the good goods exhibition, the main 'selected brands' and 'precise docking', each tour of 100+ selected brands to participate in the exhibition, using the 'desk type negotiation' mode, in bringing more investment opportunities at the same time, greatly reducing the investment cost of the brand, involved in 11 local cities across the country, driving the regional market 100000+ channels and brands to participate in the docking.
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'Cosmetics Watch' wechat public account
With timely response, unique perspective and professional insight, the influential financial media in China's cosmetics industry provides readers with fresh, material and cutting-edge information about the cosmetics industry, and is the witness, participant and lookout of the development of China's cosmetics industry.
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New Youth Academy
A learning community for beauty entrepreneurs and innovators, New Youth Academy was established in 2016, and is a learning community rooted in the Chinese cosmetics industry. From the initial service retail entrepreneurs to now gather the new generation of the whole industry chain, the New Youth Academy is becoming one of the sources of industrial innovation. New Youth Academy each course lasts for one year, adopts the offline + online dual-track teaching system, provides students with professional and systematic practical courses to help students solve business problems, and provides various industry resources support to help student enterprises better achieve innovation breakthroughs.
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Pin number
As an e-commerce running coach for beauty enterprises, Pindux Member is a data service product for the beauty industry launched by Pindux and the professional data analysis agency, Solution Consulting. With professional data capabilities and rich e-commerce experience, Pindux member accompanies and empowers beauty enterprises in the form of annual membership to help them improve their e-commerce business capabilities.
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development history
Year 2007
The establishment of PinGuan
Year 2008
Cosmetics Watch magazine launched, the industry's first in-depth report and trend analysis.
Year 2014
The wechat subscription number of 'Cosmetics Watch' was created, and the Pinguan website was launched, officially starting the process of the Internet of Pinguan.
Year 2016
Start the new Youth program, hold the New Youth Forum of Chinese cosmetics, establish the New Youth Academy, and create a learning and exchange platform for beauty entrepreneurs and innovators.
Year 2018
The establishment of Zhuhai Lafang Pview Huxi Beauty Industry Fund and the launch of CiE Beauty Innovation Exhibition APP (original Pview APP) are the beginning of CiE to promote the informatization of China's cosmetics industry.
Year 2020
「CiE Online Shopping Festival」 was successfully held. In just 2 months, an online live broadcast platform was built from 0 to 1, and 380+ exhibitors were mobilized. The number of online visitors exceeded 8w, opening the first online exhibition in China's beauty industry.
Year 2021
The first CiE beauty Innovation Exhibition was held in Hangzhou, positioning 'new technologies, new brands, new buyers', focusing on the 'innovative resources' of the beauty industry, and the exhibition area exceeded 30,000 square meters for the first time.
Year 2022
CiE beauty Innovation Exhibition covers an area of more than 40,000 square meters, creating the first Internet celebrity creative exhibition area 'New space station', 100+ new beauty makeup products are presented, showing the trend of beauty makeup.
Year 2023
CiE beauty Innovation Exhibition area exceeded 60,000 square meters, the first China Cosmetics Scientists Conference was successfully held, raising a new wave of Chinese cosmetics industry science and technology. CiE beauty innovation Exhibition positioning new upgrade: new technology, new aesthetics, new brands, new channels.
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